This online class is specifically designed to assist police officers around the United States with their upcoming promotional exams designed and proctored by IO Solutions. This course is calibrated to all ranks with a specific resource that includes:

  • Fundamentals of Law Enforcement Management: A Comprehensive Preparation Resource for Promotional Examinations

This resource is a very old textbook created by the IO Solutions team to assist officers with preparing for their promotional examinations. Although the text is old and many resources utilized within it have been updated to reflect ‘best practices’, many of the core concepts listed are relevant for leadership, management, and supervision.  For this reason, we have created an online program designed to instruct potential promotional candidates on this information. Throughout the course, we will teach the nuances of the material to the students in an educational format so they can learn and understand the concepts. Then, students will be able to apply those concepts for situations within the exam as well as within their agency when serving in this new capacity.

If your agency is also having an assessment center (written, oral, role play, etc.) contact us for an additional class that will specifically prepare you for this portion of the process as well.